University of Birmingham's
Monkey-Inspired Hacking Club
Who We Are
We are the Hacking Club at the University of Birmingham. We get together every week to look at offensive hacking and cyber security. We do this because understanding threats and how attackers think is the best way to keep computers secure… also it’s fun.
Any problem can be solved by enough monkeys acting completely at random.
All students are welcome, we can find hacking challenges that are appropriate for every skill level, however you must bring a laptop.
We meet every Wednesday, in person, from 3pm. We announce the room on Discord, so please join with the link below. You can also drop us an email at chaos@afnom.net. Check the calendar below, it mentions all our events, sessions topics and CTFs we’re attending! (if you cannot see anything in the calendar, check your ad blocker)
All members/attendees/visitors agree to follow the Code of Conduct when attending any of our events, either in-person or online.
Discord: AFNOM Discord
Email: chaos@afnom.net
Twitter: @UoB_AFNOM
Below you can find info on what we will be doing in the upcoming sessions. Important CTFs in which we will participate are also mentioned.
We’re passionate about creating better learning environments for students! Some of our members have written about this and shared their work with the world. Check them out below:
Learn-Apply-Reinforce/Share Learning: Hackathons and CTFs as General Pedagogic Tools in Higher Education, and Their Applicability to Distance Learning
Tom Goodman and Andreea-Ina Radu
Under review
Organising Monkeys or How to Run a Hacking Club
Andreea-Ina Radu and Sam L. Thomas
Vibrant Workshop 2015, The first UK Workshop on Cybersecurity Training & Education
Presentation slides